The Studio - CT Health Update

During this period of great uncertainty regarding the Coronavirus we are acutely aware of the level of concern about any risks. The well-being of our customers, staff and their families is of the highest importance to us and we want to reassure you that we are committed to following the government’s recommended advice.
At this present moment in time The Studio - CT will remain open with special measures in place for client safety. Hand sanitisers have been installed and extra cleaning regimes of all surfaces/doors etc are in place. ISTD Examinations will also continue this weekend unless notified otherwise.
* We understand that dance and fitness require physical contact however classes will have minimal contact and no swapping of partners. * Teacher/instructors have been advised to wash hands between classes and lessons and instruct pupils to do the same. * All visitors should ensure they have washed their hands thoroughly and/or sanitised their hands. * Any pupil or family member or persons who have been in contact with any positively tested for COVID-19 please refrain from entering the premises for 14 days. * Anyone displaying flu like symptoms should follow Public Health England advice and refrain from entering the premises.
We are continually monitoring the situation and will update the information on the website should there be any change.